More Shopping

The souls of my white tennis shoes are worn smooth, many of the stone walks and floors around here are also worn smooth. Smooth walk ways and smooth soles combined with my coordination problems seemed like a dangerous combination. I had seen a shoe store that carries Keds, so after class yesterday, I walked into town, bought a comfortable pair of Keds, and then, since I was in town anyway, did some more shopping. The few jeans I brought from the US are wearing thin and the light colored ones have colorful oil paint spots too. Nurit told me where she buys her jeans (Great fitting and well cut, nice and long in the legs, also only NIS 60, that is only $15 !!) and I hiked up Yafa Street to find the little shop. Near the Shook and on the other side of the street was a small clothing shop, I went in and sure enough this was the place. After buying several pair of jeans and a pair of dressy black sandals from a near by store, I went into a department store. The spring line was in and there was a large section of bathing suites, so I picked out a few and went into the dressing room.......... Sever depression!!..........I can't deal with this now!!..............Why can't they put the bathing suites on sixty year old manikins, so we can see what they REALLY look like?

Don and I wanted to go to one of the Greek Islands for Reading Week (Spring Break) but waited too long and couldn't get a reservation on a plane. Second plan, renting a car and driving up to Galilee, looking around and seeing what there is to see. We plan to leave on Sunday and stay until we decide we've seen enough.

Nurit and Akeva have invited us to their home Saturday evening. We will be celebrating Pesah (Passover) with them and their family. I feel very honored to be invited and am excited about being able to go. If we have time Sunday before we leave for Galilee, I'll tell you about it, otherwise I will when we get back from our trip.
