
What am I doing up so early?? Pasach started at 7 PM, we ate, read scripture, ate, drank wine, ate, sang songs, ate, told stories, ate, and followed the customs of the celebration until almost midnight. This was a family time, Don and I were the only ones who were not family. I don't know if others conduct their Passover in a solemn way, but this evening was full of laughter, talking, kids and vigorous singing and clapping. We had a wonderful time. Nurit and Akeva live a 5 min walk from us and we got home at midnight. It was after 2 AM before Don and I had unwound enough to go to sleep. I will never forget this evening, it was very special.

Neither Don nor I have packed for this trip, I should be doing that now but Don is still asleep and I don't want to wake him. Packing will be easy, Jeans, T shirts, casual cloths and a skirt incase we visit a site that requires one. We have until noon to pick up the rental car and a late check in for the night, so there isn't any rush.
