Thanks for all the weather reports. I didn’t mean to dump a guilt trip on all of you................well I guess I really did mean to............. but isn’t guilt what mothers do best? It’s in The Mother’s Rule Book, I had to do it. Others here are tired of all the cold too, they say winter is hanging on long this year. I think weather here is like in Georgia, normal weather is not normal, and un-normal weather is normal. Anyway it is sunny today and supposed to get up into the 60 ies. Horary! Horary! Horary!
Yesterday we found out that there is a meat market in town that is not kosher!!!! After class my carnivorous husband and I jumped on to a bus and headed for town to see if we could find it. There it was....... bacon!......... pork chops!......... and ham! I could hardly believe my eyes!!! We loaded up and spent a shameful amount. Now our freezer is loaded with good stuff, and Don will get what he has been wanting for two months, a ham and cheese omelet.
Today I am going to find my way to the “Big Mall”. I’m going to try a different bus route (If you don’t hear from me for a few days, it’s because I’m lost in the Jerusalem bus system). My excuse for going is that I need some mascara but the real reason is because I need a day wandering around a mall by myself.
If I sounded a little low in my last email it’s because I was. I was having a little dump, I do miss home, friends and family. I was being hard on Don and he said that I needed a friend, probably so I’d leave him alone and let him study, and he was right, I needed my friends. Thanks again for all the responses, I’m OK now.
Don made reservations for a week in Greece during Spring break. It gets crowded here during Easter week, this year the Pope is coming so it promises to be mobbed. We’re getting out of town, a lot of the students are. We will be spending a week on the Island of Rhodes and a few days in Athens. For a while we had the reservations for the stay but couldn’t get a flight there, they were all filled up. We were considering what it would be like to swim the Mediterranean while dragging suitcases behind us when our travel agent came through with a flight for us. I’m very excited about this trip.
More later............................
Love and Shalom..............Bernice