It’s a rainy drizzly day today and I’m glad that I don’t have to go out. Don went over to the school this morning to spend some time in the library, and then has class this afternoon. Some of the books he needs to read can’t be checked out, so he copies the pages he needs and then brings them home to read. This way he can highlight all he wants. We are getting quite a library of copied pages.
Sunday was a long field study day. One of the many stops was at Jacob’s well, where Jesus spoke with the Samaritan women. There is a church built over it now, but it is still a working well. We drew water and all of us took a drink. There was some construction going on around the church and three men were sitting and hand tooling the stones for the building. The buildings here are all stone and concrete and most of the stones are hand tooled. Windows have metal frames and doors are metal, you see almost no wood on buildings.
Today is laundry day and between loads all I have been doing is reading. There is a used book store near, full of novels. The lady in the store is real nice and speaks English well. It’s nice to talk to her, so many of the places I go into they don’t speak much English, and I understand almost no Hebrew, so the conversations can get very complicated. When I’m through reading the book, I can sell it back to her.
Have you ever eaten in a vegetarian, kosher Pizza Hut !!???? We have! The pizza was different, but still good. Bethlehem is in Palestine area now, so if we go to Bethlehem, we can get unkosher pizza. It’s worth the trip.
It’s cold today and I think I’ll curl up on the couch and read some more.
Miss Ya’all..........
(the same day, this arrived)
I just got a great email telling me about the arrival of spring in Tennessee. Would some one please tell me about spring in Georgia?
I’m missing it. It’s not spring here yet, we’ve only had a few days into the 60 ies, most days in the 50 ies, and yesterday it didn’t get above 45. I’m longing for Dogwoods, Daffodils. and bare feet. Has spring come to California, Pennsylvania, or Tulsa yet?