Now, with the discovery of a grocery that has frozen waffles, pancake mix, and maple syrup, combined with the discovery of a meat market that sells pork, we can have waffles with eggs and bacon. What a luxury! It has been 5 months since our taste buds have been treated to such a pleasure. Yesterday, I saw a restraint called Argentina. This is worth looking in to, maybe, just maybe, we will find some South of the border (US border) food. So far I haven't even found a can of refried beans let alone a tortilla, and really miss Mexican food.

Don spent the last two days at the Jerusalem Museum. There was a seminar and archeologists from around the world, including some of the professors from JUC, were talking about Jerusalem history and what has been found. Fortunately these lectures were in English, although some times very broken English (the last lecture he went to was in Hebrew). He really enjoyed the seminar. Today he went over to the school library to check out some of the information from the seminar. 

Young people are very polite, on the crowded busses, they offer their seats to the "mature" passengers. Someone always offers a seat to me, it's nice when I'm tired, but does this mean that I am old? 

I had another "adventure". Tuesday my neighbor, Darla, and I went into town to meet a student friend of hers who makes and sells jewelry. He does this to supplement his income. We met in a sandwich shop, he spread his wares out on the table and we pawed through them while sipping on cold drinks. Darla placed some orders for special pieces, and I bought some loose beads. It was fun. 

When I got home, my keys weren't in my bag! Don was at the seminar! Some one came out the main door of our building and I slipped in before it closed again. Maybe I left the keys in the door of our apartment, but no, the keys weren't in the door. What to do. I didn't know what time Don would be back and so my choices were to either sit on the hard marble steps of the building and wait, or ring Darla's bell. I rang the bell at Darla's building, she took me in, gave me a cold drink, and called the restraint. They had found my keys. We were having such a wonderful time sorting through beads and jewelry, I didn't notice that my keys had fallen out of my bag. Back to the bus, back to town, back to the restraint, I was glad to have the keys, but tired. Good thing that I had leftovers to warm up for dinner. 

To those of you who are concerned about our safety. Jerusalem is safe, we aren't near any of the fighting. People here wonder of it is safe in the States because they hear about all the shootings. More later..................
