Don started working at the dig yesterday, he had a good time, but was real tired. In the evening, after a short rest, he went over to the Hebrew class, busy day.
Sunday morning we walked to The Old City for breakfast, then down to the dig. They were working. The archaeologist in charge asked me if I would be joining Don, the job was to wash pottery shards. My answer "Probably not", I was thinking that maybe I would stop by a few times and work for a while in the morning before it got too hot. We started home, Don wasn't sure of the way, "We go up that, maybe the other street, I think I came this way before........ no, it doesn't look familiar". All I knew was that any way we went was up hill ( the dig is at the bottom of the Kidron Valley and we live up on the water shed over the Hinnom Valley) and the morning coolness had left. At one point we stopped at a small Arab shop for a cold drink and after a period of wandering, we were high enough to see where we were. The good news is.........we were close to home.........the bad news is............the rest of the way was up hill and in the sun. After this experience, I decided that working at the dig wasn't so bad, but walking home was the pits, I won't be digging.
I just realized that our trip to Eilat is next week, I had been thinking that it was a few weeks away. Sunday we will leave for a week in Eilat. Eilat is a beach resort town at the southern most tip of Israel, to the East is Jordan, to the West is Egypt, and to the South is the Red Sea. Eilat sits on the Gulf of Aqaba and is a stones throw from Aqaba, Jordan. We may not come home at the end of the week. Don wants to stay around the area a few days, there are places he wants to see, maybe we'll go into Egypt.
If it's not too hot before the laundry is finished, I'll go over to the school and get some books to read on our trip. I buy books at a used book store, and sell them back at half of what I paid for them. There are a lot of used book stores here and one near by has a good selection of fiction in English. JUC has a fair fiction section, I check books out there too. More later..........after our trip..............