Oh, boy how time flies when you have way too much to do. I just looked at the family journal and I have not written one of these in a long time. Well, I've gone back to work and boy, do I have work. I have been working overtime for the last few weeks and will continue to do so until next week. At least that's what I am hoping for. I don't know how much work I can take if I continue to work all this overtime. I mean, it's great in a way because I get paid a lot more, but it's also very tiresome. For example, yesterday. I went to work at 8 AM and did not get off work until 7 PM. And since I work so far away from home, I had to get out of the house by 7 AM and did not get home until 8 PM. That's a total of 13 hours away from the family. I was totally dead by the time I got home. I'm doing that also today. I also worked this past weekend and most likely will have to work again this coming weekend. There is just way too much to get done in the short amount of time that I've been given.
Okay, onto a different topic. Zachary is almost 3 months old now. He's quite big. When Michael took him in for his two-month exam, the doctor said that he was in the 75 percentile. Nicholas was in the 95 percentile, but 75% is still pretty big if you ask me. How is he doing? He's doing great, but Michael and I have both noticed that Zachary is a lot more fussy than Nicholas was. Nicholas really didn't cry much. He was pretty good. Zachary is a totally different story. Zachary cries whenever he gets a chance too. It's not that he's hungry. It's not that he's wet or that he wants attention. No matter what Michael or I do, it doesn't seem to calm him down. He'll continue to cry. So what we have started to do is just let him cry and when he's ready to stop, we'll tend to him again. He is also a very late sleeper. He usually does not go to sleep until at least 11 PM. Last night, he didn't go to sleep until 2 AM. At least that's what Michael told me because I fell asleep around midnight. Zachary does like to move around a lot. I think he's getting ready to flip over because he's trying very hard to do so. I think sometimes he just gets too frustrated with himself and he'll complain about it. Zachary can also scoot himself along a bit by pushing on his feet. It's amazing how fast babies grow.
Now, Nicholas. He's doing great. He is starting to use full sentences instead of just phrases. Every now and then, he surprises us with some new word that he can say. For example, the other day, he told Michael that he was full by saying "I full." I never knew that he was able to say things like that. He's missing the verb, but it's pretty close to a full sentence. He still points at a lot of the things that he can't say. We are also slowly training him to use the restroom. He knows how to use the restroom already, but he just doesn't know when the right time is to go. Most of the time, he'll tell us after the fact. We have been extremely busy that we have not had the time to teach him. Most of the time, it's a reminder here and there and not actually asking him every so often if he needs to go to the restroom.
A few weeks ago, we took both boys to the San Francisco Zoo. Nicholas loved it and of course, Zachary is too young to know anything. Nicholas had a lot of fun looking at the animals. We didn't stay there long though because we had to get to Chinatown before the stores closed. We also went out there to buy a movie that I really wanted and Chinatown was the only place that had it. Truthfully, I was a bit disappointed with the Zoo. I was expect it to be a lot bigger than it was and I was expecting a lot more things to see. It was really just like Sacramento's Zoo except on twice the amount of land. I mean, there were a few animals there that Sacramento did not have, like the penguins. There really wasn't much of a different. Maybe because I was expecting a lot more than what they really had. Nicholas, of course, didn't care. He only cared that he got to see all sorts of neat animals and exhibits. I think it was worth the time and drive to go out there. I have been thinking about taking Nicholas to the Monterey Aquarium. I think he would also love it there. It is also next to the ocean, which he loves. I was thinking that we could visit the Aquarium for an afternoon and then go over to the beach and let him play there. But the problem is that fall is here and I'm not sure about the weather out there.
Okay, Michael. He's doing well. I don't think he's been getting much sleep ever since the little one was born. Zachary still wakes up every two hours or so during the night. Both him and I are bowling again so we do get a break from the kids one night during the week. I think that's a good thing.