After the Aquarium, we went to the beach next to Fisherman's Wharf. The weather was perfect. The sand on the beach was very fine and soft (much better than the next beach we visited on the next day). Before the trip, I bought a bunch of different sand toys for them and they really enjoyed using them. Zachary even got himself buried under the sand. Nicholas spent some of his time building a fort near the water. Mackenzie had a blast making sand figures.
The next day, we drove along Hwy 1 looking for other beaches to visit. The one problem we ran into was fog. It was very foggy and cold. We did stop at an old light house and looked around for a bit. It was very pretty and nice, but way too cold for me. Luckily, we were able to find this one spot where there was sun so we stopped there and the kids played around more in the sand. This time, they tried burying Michael's feet.