Leaving Soon

Four days until we leave!!! See you all soon. It's amazing what you can accumulate in 23 months. After unpacking from our Egypt trip, it was time to pack for our trip home, not an easy chore. We have been busy deciding what to mail home, what to sell, what to give away, what to take with us, and what to put out into the trash. Putting out into the trash is the equivalent of giving away. The dumpsters are out in the street for all to use and we have found that if we put a bag or box of anything, of worth in any way, out beside the dumpster, it will disappear in minutes. The funny thing is we never see anyone out there but when we come back next time, it's gone. There is a Palestine community near by and they often come down our street, also there are poor Jewish people who may have taken it. At any rate, we know that some one in need has picked it up.

My friends in the silver class sent me off with hand made gifts and made me promise that I will come back (at least try to), I was so touched. I will miss Merriam, our teacher, and the friends I have made in the silver class very much

Some times I want to go home so bad that I can hardly stand it and other times I feel sad that I will leave this fascinating place. I am thankful for being able to have had this wonderful experience, I will carry fond memories with me the rest of my days..

I don't know if I will get another email off before we go, but incase I don't, you will probability not hear from us until we get home. We should be home in Marietta some time during the week after Christmas. 
