In 9 days I will leave for the US, can't wait. The trip will total 24 hours with 19 hours in the air, I will start from Tel Aviv early in the morning and follow the sun west arriving at LAX in the afternoon of the same day. I got an inflatable neck pillow and since it will be day light the whole trip, Don suggested that I also get a sleeping mask. I got the mask and tried it out last night, it worked great, I didn't wake up until late this morning.
Summer is here, the last few days have been hot. We feel the heat more because we walk every where, even when you take a bus you must walk to the bus stop and then wait in the heat. One day last week I indulged myself and took a taxi, it was just too hot to walk any where.
Yesterday Don and I walked to the school to take care of some school stuff, then walked to the Old City to a book store, got books then walked into town. By the time we got to town, I was feeling sick. In a tourist area, we sat at some sidewalk tables in the shade and had cold drinks while watching the tourists go by, I felt better, I think I was just dehydrated. After some shopping we had dinner and then walked home. Along the way traffic was stopped, people were making U turns and busses were backed up for some distance. There was a mob of people in the intersection and police and soldiers all over the place. What's happening? Turns out there was a protest condemning Arafat for all the bombs and killings and Sharon for not retaliating, they ended their march at the Prime Minister's home.