Meet the members of my silver class from left to right;
Miriam....our teacher and my neighbor, this is her studio. Nurit....friend and neighbor, she told me about the class. It is to her home that I go for the drawing and painting classes. Her husband, Akiva, is the teacher. Noa.... she is a collage student at Hebrew University. Chava....(the Ch is not pronounced as we know it but is a sound that we don't have a letter for, the sound is as if you are trying to get a fish bone out of your throat) and her name means Eve. She showed me where there is a great store for silver working tools and supplies.
Chava took this picture so I could be in one, the picture is a little dark because of a bright light above. How do you like our messy table, there is not a lot of room in this studio, but we do just fine sharing the one torch, one power drill, one power buffer and limited working space.
This silver class and the drawing class are two of my favorite things here in Israel. Nurit and Noa know some English, but Mirium and Chava know very little, I know even less Hebrew. We get along by pointing and swinging our hands around a lot.
More later...........