
This morning we woke up to the welcome sound of rain. It continued to fall most of the day, a good kind of rain, gentle and steady, the kind that soaks in and does some good. Late in the afternoon the sky cleared a little. "Look a rainbow !" Don exclaimed. We both went out onto the balcony and this what we saw.

The gold dome in this picture is the Temple Mount (the Moslems call it Haram Esh Sharif). This is where the Moslems pray, it is also a holy place to the Jews because this is where The Temple stood. Much of the conflict here is over who gets control of this holy place.

Last Wednesday evening at my drawing class, I started an oil painting. My drawing teacher is going to instruct me in how to use oils. I told Don that for Christmas I wanted a table box easel and he said go ahead and get one, so I did. Merry Christmas to me!
