After visiting the post office, I skipped the Ditch Store and went to the Old City. I wondered around a bit, and was beginning to feel discouraged until I was told where a "Christmas Store" was. To get there I would continue through this tourist section (I've never seen the Old City so empty) and into the busy crowded areas where Arab women shop for clothing, meat, and misc. There it is!! A two foot fake Christmas tree, I found the Christmas store!!!! What was called The Christmas Store was really a little shop with a few Christmas things in it, but it had what I needed.
On my way back, in the tourist section, I found a six pointed olive wood star for the top of the tree and a hand carved olive wood statue of Mary and Baby Jesus on the donkey with Joseph standing next to them. Now it's Christmas, I feel better. Every time I look at our decorations I feel the Christmas spirit.
Bethlehem was where we had planned to spend Christmas Eve but because of the conflict, the Christmas Eve celebration has been called off, and it's not a safe place to be. Big disappointment. Maybe next year it will be safe there.