It's early in the morning and Don is still asleep, I have the computer all to my self. Several of Don's classes were rescheduled for this week because many of the students were gone on field studies. Don had the computer tied up doing papers, I thought , until I caught him playing solitaire on the computer. Cheater!!!! I was being so nice letting him have the computer for his "important" stuff and here he was playing solitaire!!! Oh well, he has been working hard and deserves a break.

Last week Don came down with a cold. He felt bad enough to miss a day of school and took a week to get completely over it. My generous husband shared his cold with me and this week I had his bug. Your head becomes a rock, your nose becomes a faucet, your throat becomes hamburger, and your chest is in a straight jacket. Bummer!! Don is over it and all that is left for me is a deep sexy voice, I can live with that.

We (Darla did all the work, I just assisted) found homes for all 6 puppies and for Lady, their mother. It's nice to know that they aren't homeless any more (they lived in the park). "Brown Dog", their father, is still homeless. He is a sweet dog and very hansom.........would you like to have him? I think he misses Lady and the pups. I know he misses Darla, she has gone to the US for 6 weeks.

I went to the drawing class on Wednesday evening and loved it. What is so nice is it is just a block or two away and I can walk. I had done almost nothing in the way of drawing since leaving the US and it was nice to get back to it. Maybe I can get some instruction in oil painting there too. The silver class is wonderful, I'm as happy as a clam to have found it. It is so great to have access to a torch for soldering and the use of other power tools. I have finished some pieces that I had started here but couldn't finish properly with out a torch. I'll take some pictures and send them.

It's been quiet around the city, that is good, I hope it stays that way. If this conflict settles down, maybe we will be able to wonder around the Old and New City the way we did when we first came. I miss it.

No comment about the election. I'll just forward an attachment that I have gotten from several people, It's kind of cute.

More later.............
