
All along the way to Galilee were little Bedouin settlements.  The settlements are just patched tents nestled together on the sides of hills and on the few small flat areas.  In the settlements are donkeys, goats, sheep, camels, dogs, children, and an occasional plastic chair.  (Yes, plastic chairs are everywhere,  in the more affluent areas and restraints they all match, but in the poorer areas they are all colors and shapes.  I think that plastic chairs can be found in the most remote areas of the world,  I know that  they can be found in the most remote areas of Israel.)  Herds of sheep and goats being led by shepherds, and dogs keeping the herds in line, were crossing the roads, our bus had to stop and wait for them several times.

The hills were beautiful.  Because of the heavy rains this winter, they were covered with deep green velvet, large areas on the hills were bright with the color of blooms.    On one of our hikes up to see a dig,  I picked a bouquet of 14 different wild flowers.  

Lunch was on the Golan Heights, and  G. H. was in wonderful bloom too. In Galilee is Tiberius and in Tiberius is a diamond factory.

Since Sunday was my birthday,  I thought we should stop there and I could pick out something for Don to give me for my special day.  We didn’t even get to Tiberius,  too bad, may the four day trip to Galilee this week end we will get there.  I don’t care if my present is a little late!!

Saturday evening was spent in a resort village on the east side of the Sea of Galilee.  Our rooms were nice,  the food was good,  and the sunset was beautiful.

Pictures  #1  Flowers on the hills of Galilee

# 2 Sunset from our room on the Sea of Galilee

# 3 Don and I in front of a cave

# 4 Don and I in front of  a cave, close up

More after our next trip,  and hopefully a stop in Tiberius............ Shalom.............Bernice