Yesterday was Shabot, the stores were closed, but since we were out of fresh fruit and vegetables and the Christian Quarter in the Old City would be open with fruit and vegetables, I decided to go there. I figured that I could get along in the old city with out an escort and Don agreed, "Just stay with the crowds, don't go on any streets alone." he said. I could do that.
As I got close to the Old City Jaffa Gate, I heard drums, inside was a parade and mobs of people. I watched a band of young people march by. More drums coming, another band, it looked like I would be there for a while. I bought a sesame bread ring from a vender, sat down on the wall around King David's Tower to watch and see what was going on. (The bread ring is an oval loop about 12 inches long, with it comes a couple packets of spices, about the size of a packet of Sweet & Low, wrapped in little torn pieces of newspaper, to sprinkle on to the bread as you eat it.) The bands were turning and going down into the narrow street full of shops. There were soldiers at the entrance to the street, they let the bands and a group of people following the bands in to the shopping area but closed the street off to everyone else. More parade coming, this time it was a group of men, they were wearing black robes and hoods that were pointed at the top, (it made me think if the KKK in black sheets) and as they walked, they tapped their walking sticks on the ground in unison. Step, click, step, click, step, click, down into the shopping area too. I found a soldier who could understand English and asked him about getting into the shops. He said they would be letting people in in about an hour, but I could go around to the Jewish Quarter and get in that way. Off I went, there were enough people swarming about that I didn't have to worry about being alone on one of the back streets.
There were so many people, in the narrow shop streets that you could look at the things for sale and not even be bothered by the shop owner trying to sell anything and everything to you, he was so busy that he didn't have time to get around to everyone.
Now I will main reason for going to the Old City with out Don was so I could look for beads, with out the "Reluctant Shopper" with me, I could do some serious shopping. Several of the shops have big trays of beads, all kinds of sizes shapes and colors of silver and semi precious stone. What fun !! Jan, you would have loved it !! I bargained and haggled for a price, and got some real great stuff. Then I went down the stinky, yucky, street, where the meat markets are to get the fruit and vegetables I had clamed we needed. I bought the produce (not a lot, produce is heavy and it's a bit of a walk home) and headed for home.
What was all the commotion about? Some people celebrate Easter the same day as we do in The States, others celebrate it the following Sunday, this was either end of Easter or beginning of Easter celebration, most likely beginning of Easter.
That terrible picture of me that Don sent, was me sorting my new beads. More jewelry coming. I've made several pieces and maybe I'll take a picture of them and send them to you.
Don read this letter and said that I didn't tell about the shop keeper who invited me to the back of his shop, so I will. While I was in one of the shops, the shop keeper said that if I came to the back of the shop with him, he would have a great deal for me. I said "No !". He then said "Don't be afraid, come back with me, I have a great deal to show you." I told him that I would only look at great deals in the front of the shop and if he had something to show me, he could bring it here. He kept talking while I walked out of his shop and into the crowds of people.
That's all for now........................................................