
The Pope just went by again.  We had thought that he would be here during Easter week when we were in Greece, but he is here now as you all must know.  The last few days,  there has been a lot of bell ringing  (more than normal, there is always a lot of bell ringing here).  Our apartment looks across the Hinnom Valley at Mount Zion, in the last few days his entourage has been up and down Mount Zion many times.    We can’t miss it, there are many police cars in front and back with their lights flashing and sirens on.  In the parade are several limos, he must be in one, and a couple of unmarked ambulances.  I didn’t expect to see them today because he is supposed to be in Bethlehem and Bethlehem is in the other direction.  The weather has not been very good for him.  We had been having clear skies,  but since the Pope has been here it has been overcast and drizzly.

Tomorrow morning we leave with one of Don’s classes for Galilee.  This will be a two day trip.  The following weekend we take a four day trip to Galilee with the class Don and I are taking together.  They tell us that we will be seeing different places around Galilee for each trip.

I had better get a few groceries this morning,   this afternoon everything closes for Sabbath.

 More later............Shalom.............Bernice