I’ve become one of those ladies that you see walking down the street dragging a wheeled basket full of groceries and etc. I guess you could say that I am a bag lady. This wheeled basket will allow me to get groceries with out Don’s help. I know he will appreciate that.
You can buy bus passes that give unlimited rides anywhere in the city for a month. This will be good, if I get on the wrong bus, I can get off and try another at no extra cost. There are lots of bus routes in this city and it can be confusing. Eventually I’ll catch on.
Since the hair cut, Don calls me Little Butchy (not to be mistaken for Bitchy). I thought that I could go into the Old City unescorted, and not feel venerable, but Don says that I have tell tale “bumps” and I will not get away with it. I go into the New City alone, but it’s best to be with a group of about three or more, or have a man with you, in the Old City. It’s also best not to look Arab men in the eye, they can take it wrong, I don’t want to get the reputation of being a loose women. I decided that wearing dark glasses will enable me to look into people’s faces with out them knowing, faces are interesting to me, it’s hard not to look.
There was a test in our Psychical Settings class, since I am auditing the class, I don’t have to take tests. I could have, but didn’t. I am still not doing very well with the reading assignments, it is heavy reading and I get overwhelmed and confused.
I guess I’m not up to this collage and graduate level material. Much of it I understand and find fascinating, and I am learning a lot. What I am learning is like a lot of wonderful puzzle pieces, I just haven’t figured out how to put those pieces together into one big picture yet.
Today at noon there is a discussion group meeting with one of the professors, since the weather is nice, I think I’ll walk over and check it out.
Yesterday started out clear and sunny, but by 1:00 PM it was poring down rain. The weather changes fast here in the spring, and since we must walk in it, we must be prepared for anything, it’s not like jumping into a car.
Don ran off to the school this morning, when he gets back this afternoon, I will have him send the pictures he took on our last field study.
More later.................