Today was a special day for Bernice. After class we went to the Mall by bus. What an experience. First we got on the no 6 bus. We went one stop and the driver said that was the end of the line. We went across the street and caught it in the other direction. After a long trip, including waiting for someone who had parked almost blocking the street (the driver kept honking his horn but nobody came to move their car) finally he worked his way past the cars and we went on toward the Mall. We got off at the stop our map kind of indicated we should get of at. We had over shoot. We waited first on one side of the street and then on the other. finally some kids came by and they (all of them talking at once, some said one bus and some said another bus, one had good English and some had kind of eh English, and some were discussing which bus in Hebrew) said we were on the wrong side of the street . We crossed the street and caught the 24 bus. It got us there. We then went Mall prowling. We found an office depot and were buying some paper and stuff. Low and behold some of the other students we knew from JUC there also. Small world when you are shopping in a Mall in a foreign country and run into someone you know. After that I waited while Bernice went through the remaining two levels of the Mall we had not seen. To get home we had to take the 31 bus and the 8. I was carrying the paper (6 reams, it was a deal I couldn’t pass up) and Bernice was carrying the other stuff. Finally we got home, had dinner and I went to school to get some papers and books I had left there earlier. Bernice is complaining about her legs bothering her this evening. It was all that walking through the mall that did it. Se ya.
Don and Bernice Tuttle