Something was happening on the street below us. I went out on the balcony and saw police men, and soldiers. There was a police car blocking each end of our street and in front of our building was a police van and an army jeep.
"Don, come and look, something is happening out here !!" We both hung over the edge of the balcony and could see some police and soldiers peeking over the stone wall across the street from the parking lot. The parking lot is on the side of the building and we couldn't see what they were looking at. Pop.......pop, it sounded like gun fire.
Don said he was going to the roof and see what this was about, and I followed him up. We cautiously crept over to the edge of the roof and peeked over the side. There was a bomb robot almost directly below us but we couldn't see what it was doing, trees and shrubs were in the way. Deciding that this was not a safe place to be, we rushed back into the building and our apartment. Pop.......pop........pop, more gun fire. Maybe we should leave the building, we hurriedly put on our shoes, and left. As we came out the front door, a policeman called to us.......
"You're safe now."
Back to our apartment we went, I finished making dinner and we ate. After dinner we went down to the parking lot to see what we could see. In the parking lot, next to the trash building, was a cardboard box, shredded with bullet holes and misc. trash spread around it. Bomb threat?
From our apartment the city was quiet today (except for the "bomb threat"), but the news this evening told of some trouble in The Old City. The school has advised the students that during this long Yom Kippur weekend, we should stay in West Jerusalem, and out of The Old City. We live in West Jerusalem and the school is in West Jerusalem so that was no problem for us.
Well enough excitement for one day, I think I'll go to bed.
Don and Bernice Tuttle