It's a beautiful Sunday morning here in Jerusalem. Don and I came to our apartment for the weekend, Don will go back to Dor today, but I am going to stay here. Ron did not come with us, he joined a tour group to Galilee. It has been an interesting experience seeing how digging at a tel works, and how they handle the finds. I enjoyed the interesting part, but the hardships were a HARDSHIP !!! I'm not made of the tough stuff that Don, Ron, and the other workers are, I pooped out.
While Don and Ron were sweating in the dusty "pits" with the other workers, I spent this last week at The Glass Factory washing and writing identifying numbers on the shards. The Glass Factory is a little more than a half of a mile from the dig, there is a museum, small gift shop (air-conditioned) and a crowded little office and storage room (also air-conditioned). Shard washing and numbering is done outside under some huge eucalyptus trees, and most of the time there was a wonderful breeze coming off the ocean.
The Glass factory was built in the 1890s to make glass wine bottles for the grape growers in the area. The bottles leaked, the sand was not of a quality to make bottles, and importing sand was too costly, the factory shut down. Now the lower floors are used for the museum, gift shop, and shard storage, but the upper floor has no ceiling, it's an impressive building.
On our drive back to Dor last weekend, my matching set of drivers (Don & Ron) were strangely quiet. Then I realized why..............
"Is she back there taking notes?"
"I think so"
They were afraid that they would be the subject of my next would I do a thing like that?
I'm looking forward to this coming week. I'll be able to eat what I want to and when I want to, sleep when I want to, and best of all, get up when I want to. What a luxury! Jerusalem is cooler than Dor and that will be a pleasant change too. More later.............