Rich Bennett, our tour guide when we came to Jerusalem 6 years ago, is coming on July 1st with an other group. I'm looking forward so much to seeing him and talking to people from home. Then on July 7th Ron, (Don's identical twin) and Ron's son in-law, Randy, are coming. While they both are here, we will go to Cairo, Egypt. This promises to be a very hot trip, I'm sure it will be hotter than (Sorry, but I couldn't resist). After a week, Randy will return to The States but Ron will stay longer and go to Tel Dor with us to dig. His stay will be 5 weeks. Don and I both are looking forward to all this company. By the way..........Rich arranges tours to Israel every year and if you are interested in coming, I would highly recommend going with him. For information on his tours, his email is .
It was time to fill my cupboards and the refrigerator, I couldn't figure out how to fix another meal with the odds and ends which were left. I dragged my little shopping cart (I've become a bag lady) behind me and went to the bus stop. There were lots of women on the bus, each stop more women got on. The bus stopped in front of the grocery store and most of the women got off, must be a big day for groceries. As we stopped traffic by crossing the street in a group, I noticed that these women were not heading for the grocery store, but to an alley next to it! I'll just follow this group and see what's going on. Flea market!! Swap meet!! In the alley and in a parking garage next to it were tables, stuff, and people. Fun!! I'll just look around. Venders, mostly men, were calling out, I assume they were trying to get people into their section. It was crowded and difficult to drag my cart through the isles, my cart kept hanging up on the many baby strollers, but I was determined. I saw a large women, trying on a red lace bra over a white T shirt. Her friend was checking the sides and back for fit. A couple venders, a little distance from each other, were yelling in angry tones at each other. I got a few things that I "needed" at a great price. I found a vender who could understand English, asked if this was here all the time, and he said only on Mondays. I made a mental note to make Mondays shopping day from now on. After the flea market, the grocery store wasn't fun at all.
More later...........Shalom............Bernice