There are not words to describe Egypt. Cairo is huge, 17 million people, and I was told that it is the third largest city in the world. Our hour and one half taxi ride from the airport to the hotel, which was in the middle of town, was harrowing. Few of the streets have lanes, and even if they do, no one pays any attention to them. We were on a street marked for three lanes and some times the cars were five abreast, added to that, there were horse and donkey carts (at least 2 or 3 in each block) poking down the street. Along the way, double and triple parking created bottle necks, there were few traffic lights, and people crossed the street any old place they took a notion. It was very exciting, like bumper cars at the fair but with people crossing and donkey carts, busses, carts, and trucks all vying for position ......... people crossing in the middle of it all and no one stopping or slowing down for them. Now the drivers here in Israel look meek.
Just a little note of interest, "four star hotel" does not mean the same thing in Egypt as it does in the US. Fortunately the four of us took this discovery with humor and had some good laughs about it. We survived the hotel stay, but Jerusalem and our apartment looked real good to us when we got back.
We visited the Pyramids, Sphinx, Museum, Antiquity suites, and spent a day in Alexandria. We hired a guide to take us to Alexandria and that trip was a whole experience in it's self. Before we got into the city of Alexandra, our guide stopped the car and talked to some soldiers along the side of the road, next thing we knew, we had an armed escort through the city, they stayed with us until we were leaving the city, waiting for us at each stop. As we went through narrow streets in the old part of the city, people stopped and stared at us as we followed our escort of 5 heavily armed men, two of witch were sitting in the bed of the truck facing us. It was unreal, like what you would see in a movie, but we were experiencing it.
While in Alexandra, a pretty little Egyptian girl took a fancy to Randy. Our guide translated for Randy and Nosa, and they exchanged phone numbers. I don't know how that would work, if Randy called, neither could understand the other. She was a cute girl, and she and her two friends kept looking at Randy and blushing and giggling.
Security at the airport, both leaving Israel and entering Israel was more extensive than I have ever seen it. Probably because of the talks in Camp David, they are being very careful.
Randy and Don are doing something with the pictures, so I'll wait for them to get done before I send any.
Petra in Jordan was going to be our next stop, but we were all so tired from the Egypt trip, that we decided not to go. Another time, maybe.
More later............. Shalom....................Bernice