Ron left from Tel Aviv on Tuesday the 15th and is home safe and sound in Palo Alto. We enjoyed Ron's visit very much.
Don will start school again the first week in September. Until then he is working at the dig here in Jerusalem. I went with him yesterday, the weather has cooled off and it was a pleasant day to wash shards. They are going to start putting identifying numbers on some of the finds next week and asked me if I would like to do that. I would, and plan to spend most of next week at the dig.
Digging at the tels is only done in the summer, during the rest of the year there is too much rain. They cover some of the dig with plastic tarps and cover the tarps with sand and sand bags to protect it through the winter. Not only winter weather does damage to the dig, but curious people and vandals sometimes do damage also. Some of the finds from Tel Dor were put on display the last week Don and Ron were there. Here is a sample of some of the things that were found during this seasons dig:
#1 Gold jewelry
#2 Mosaic stone flooring
#3 Small statue pieces
#4 Goddess Nike (Don's find)