Good day. I spent most of today updating the website. Oh my goodness! There are just so many pictures and so many things to do in order to get this website updated. We have so many pictures that we haven't published since August of this year.
We hope you all had a nice Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving was pretty simple this year. We went over to my older sister's house for a late lunch/early dinner. After that we hung around a bit and Michael and the kids went home. I went over to my cousin's house and played MJ until 3 AM in the morning. Of course by then, I couldn't sleep if I was going to go to Wal-Mart at 4:30 AM. So, I went over to my mother's house and watched TV for 1 and 1/2 hour. At around 4:30 AM, I got on the road and went to Wal-Mart. By the time I got there, the parking lot was pretty much full. I didn't realize that Wal-Mart was open 24-hours so I didn't have to wait in the cold. Although the store was open, you couldn't grab any of the sale items yet because they had employees standing next to everything. So, a little before 5 AM, the employees gave us the go ahead to grab whatever you wanted. I grabbed the few things that I went there for and got out of the store by 5:09 AM. Then it was time to head over to ToysRUs and stand in line with everyone else. I ended up waiting for 1 and 1/2 hour before I got to the check stand. By that time, I was really tired and so wanted to go to sleep. I grabbed some donuts for the family as breakfast and headed home. It was about 8:30 AM by then and right into bed I went. I slept until 2 PM that afternoon. The rest of the weekend was pretty much quite and normal.
This past Wednesday, Michael broke some news to me that almost floored me. Nicholas gets a lot of flyers from school about all kids of different sports. Well, he got one that day about wrestling and he asked if he could participate in wrestling. Of all the things he could try, he wanted to try wrestling. Think about this skinny little kid who doesn't even weigh 60 lbs. yet wanting to participant in wrestling. Well, he had his first practice this Friday and he still seems to want to do it. He came home with a few bruises on his knee, but overall still in one piece.
Zachary... what's new with him. Nothing much. He still doesn't like to do his homework and still loves to play and watch TV. Overall, he's doing pretty well in school. It is sometimes a challenge getting him to do his homework, but he's a smart kid.
Mackenzie. Where even to begin with this child. We finally got her off the bottle and her pacifiers. She was having problems eating (like not eating at all) so we took her to the doctor to see what can be done about it. The doctor told us to cut down on the milk and constantly give her food. We tried that for a month and she did start eating a little bit, but still not enough for a 20 month old child. Then, she got sick so we had to put the limit on hold and just gave her whatever she wanted. After that, it was hard to go back on a limit. Finally, after the Cabo trip, we just decided to take her off the bottle and pacifier. It took a week or two for her to adjust to it, but now she's going great. She's finally starting to eat normal food, like rice, bread, and meat. She's eating more and drinking less milk.
Well, I think I've had enough of the web updates so I'm going to stop here. Just wanted to give everyone a quite update on the kids and how the family is doing.