Happy 2008! I know it's a little late, but since this is the first journal in 2008, I thought I would still say it.
I hope everyone had a wonderful and safe Christmas and New Year holiday. We didn't do anything for the new year. We just sat and home and watched TV.
What's new? Well, Mackenzie is now 1 year old. Can you believe that it's been a year already? Time just goes by so quickly when you are having fun. We just had her birthday celebrate last Saturday and you can see the pictures from that party here. She got a lot of cute and adorable clothes for this coming summer. Lots of dress and yes, I did noticed a lot of purple in the outfits she got. She also got a few new toys to play with. She loves the musical car that her Uncle Richard and Auntie Carla got her. She rides on it everyday. She also like to play with the doll house that she got from Grandma Irene. (Well, Zachary also plays with it a lot.)
I would like to take this opportunity again to thank you to everyone who came and gave her a birthday present. We really appreciate you guys taking the time out of your busy schedule to come have some fun with us. I mean, some of you guys had other birthday parties to go to, came all the way here from the Bay Area, and some got up really early in the morning to come over to help out. Thank you Jenny for helping me with the cooking. And thank you Kellie for helping watch the kids. I know you both are not use to getting up that early on a Saturday morning.
For Christmas, the boys got a new trampoline as their present and all the kids had fun with it during the party. Actually, it was more than the kids who had fun jumping in it. Some of the adults, like Grandma Irene, Michael, Rose, Kellie, and Jason also spent some time jumping in the trampoline.
How is Mackenzie? Well, she's growing. Two weeks before her birthday party, she had the stomach flu. Anything she ate either came back out from her mouth or quickly from her behind. I felt so bad for her. It all started one Friday night when we were at my parents' house. She started by throwing up all over me. Then next thing you know, she was crying because her stomach was hurting. Throughout the night, she was either pooping or barfing. It was really bad. She went through more outfits in one night then we normally would have in a week. We ended up having to stop feeding her milk because we thought that might have helped cause the stomach problems. Michael had to take half the day off on the following Monday to take care of her because my parents got sick from the same illness. That weekend, we were over at Karen's house to celebrate her birthday and Karen, her two sons, Jake and Calvin, ending up catching it too. Eventually, Kellie also caught the bug. Amazingly, Michael and I spent a lot of time with Mackenzie taking care of her when she was sick, but neither of us caught the bug. It eventually went away after a week or so, but it was one very painful experience for her.
Oh. You won't believe this, but she is finally getting some teeth. There is one on the lower part of her mouth and one on top. Both have come in a little bit. Enough for you to be able to feel them. I think a third one might be coming in soon to because I can feel it. My goodness, after one year and she's finally teething. It's really amazing.
She eats pretty much all solid food now. We have stopped giving her formula and she's now on normal milk. She eats normal three meals each day and gets the milk as a supplement. She likes to eat rice quite a bit. (You wonder if that has anything to do with the fact that my parents are the ones who is watching her.)
Nicholas and Zachary are still off track. They are going back to school on February 4. I'm not too looking forward to that day. Why? Because that's when I have to start picking Zachary up from school and Michael picking up Nicholas. This means, I have to go to work earlier so that we don't have to stay too late. I have to start taking the bus to work in the morning. The last bus that goes to work from our house is right before 7 AM. For those who know me, you know I hate getting up that early.
Nicholas is doing really well in school. He has gotten use to the homework every day. I have also been able to get him into a habit of working on his homework after school before we get home. He works on whatever he knows and if it's too hard, he saves that for me to help him. It really help me because I have to help Zachary with his homework after work. Speaking of which, Nicholas really likes to help Zachary with his homework. I think it's the big brother factor. He wants to help, but many times, he tries too hard and doesn't concentrate on his own homework. Sometimes I have to separate the two of them into their own rooms in order to have both complete their homework effectively.
Zachary is doing much better in school. Rarely do we get a bad report from his teacher about him. He is also very smart. He picks up on things very quickly. He still loves to ask questions. The other day, he was asking a bunch of questions about green and red signal lights. Once he gets started on his questioning, good luck stopping him.
Nicholas got a telescope from Lauren and Midge for Christmas. The two boys really like it and they've taken it out once to look at the moon. It's been raining quite a bit lately so they have not been able to go back out look for the stars.
Well, I think this is enough for one day. I hope everyone has a good weekend.