Well, I thought I wrote an April update, but I don't see it up there so either I didn't want write or Michael did not put it up. I will check with him tonight to figure out which one it was. Let's see. The house we were betting on, as most of you will know by now, we got. We moved in on May 5th. We really like the house. There are a lot of things to fix up around the house, such as the back yard so we have been keeping ourselves quite busy with stuff like that. The one thing that the house does not have enough of is storage space so Michael is building these little cabins in the garage to give us more storage space. The last few weeks have been extremely busy ones so I don't think that he is done with that project yet. Let's see what else happened in May? Oh, yeah! I was laid off in the middle of May. Don't worry. I currently have a job. Found myself a new job last week. Actually, found myself two new jobs and had to reject one of them. I guess I can call it my little vacation in between jobs even though I didn't go anywhere. It was really cool though to be able to get up whenever I wanted and not have to worry about getting fired. I did get to collect 3 weeks of unemployment pay. Well, right now, I work for a company by the name of TASQ as a consultant. Hopefully, after six months, I will become a permanent employee. It's up in Rocklin, which is about 45 minutes away from where I currently live. I have to get up around 6 AM in the morning in order to get here at 8 AM. It's quite a change in lifestyle. I am so use to getting up later and not showing up to work until at least 9 AM, but now, I have to get up so early just to get here on time. I really don't have to show up at 8 AM in the morning. I was told that I could come in anytime between 8 - 9 in the morning, but because of the traffic and the long trip up here, I thought that I would start off early so that I would be able to leave here early. I am just wondering how long more can I continue to get up so early before I decided to get up a little later instead. Michael seems to be impressed with me so far since I now get up earlier than he does and both Nicholas and I are out of the house before he even wakes up. Most of the time, he still is snoring when we try to kiss him good-bye. It's going to be hard on Nicholas also since he's also use to getting up late. For the past two days that I've tried to get him up early, he's been okay. Usually, when he doesn't want to get up in the morning, he puts on a temper tantrum and gets all upset about it. The problem he is having these two days is when he gets to my mother's house. He doesn't want me to leave and every time, he has broken out into tears and screaming. My parents also say that it's a little crazy since they have him at about 7 AM in the morning now. Oh, well, that's what happens when you start a new job that's 45 minutes away from the house.
As for my new job, well, it's quite fun. I really like it because it's really what I want to do and people at work respect me. I mean, at my previous job, people there respected me also, but it took them a while to do so because I had to prove to them that I was not someone who didn't know anything and someone who knew what she was doing. I guess this comes with the age things since I am still young in this field. I remember with my first job, I felt little respect from the people I worked with. The people I work with are really nice and friendly. Many of them are also new to the company so I don't feel like I'm the only one who doesn't know what's going on around here.
Nicholas. Let's see. He just had his second birthday party about two weeks ago. And for those who came or sent him presents, I would like to say "Thank You Very Much." I have the thank you cards at home, but have not had a chance to fill them out yet and mail them out. Probably this weekend, I will work on those. The party was really fun and a pretty big success, if you ask me. We were able to see a lot of people that we have not seen in a long time so it was really nice to see them again. I know for sure that Nicholas had a lot of fun especially in the pool. The little one wanted to go out there and play in the water even at 9 PM. Michael ended up having to deflate it the next day so that he would not be whining about going out there and playing in the water. He got a lot of new clothes and toys and he's enjoying them all. As for all the gifts for the house, I would like to say "Thank You" also for all the wonderful house warming gifts you guys gave us.
Let's see, after his birthday party, he has his two-year old checkup and the doctor told me that he should not be using a bottle anymore so as of that day, we stopped giving him bottles. Now he uses sip cups (the spill proof ones, but I don't believe that they are spill proof. He spilled a bunch of his apple juice in my car today). The weird part is that ever since he has been using these cups, he does not drink his milk anymore. We have tried many times to put milk into these cups, but he would not drink them. He will take any other type of liquid in the cups, but not the milk. So now, instead, he eats rice, bread, meat and fruits. I guess it's a good thing because it now forces him to eat solid food when he's hungry. Another thing that we are slowly allowing him to do is to have his own plate of food whenever we eat. Usually, we would just feed him, but now, we are attempting to have him feed himself. If he's hungry, he will do quite a fine job at it, but if he's not hungry, he starts playing around with his food. I still don't know if he's left-handed or right-handed because I have seen him use both hands whenever he eats. From the check up, the doctor says that he's behind on the talking. He still only knows those same few words that I mentioned in the March entry. The doctor says that he should be putting words together now such as "Up Mommy," but that is not the case with Nicholas. Maybe it's because of the two different languages he hears all the time. I mean he understands me most of the time when I talk to him. Like when I tell him to come over to me, he comes or when I ask him to sit down, he will do so (most of the time). The doctor said that if by the end of the summer he cannot put words together, we would need to take him back in for a more thorough check up. One minor concern that I have about him is that he still only has about 10 - 12 teeth. I know that he started teething late, but to still have that little teeth just bothers me. He does have, I think all of his molars in. He also have four teeth on the top and bottom, but that's it. All the ones in between the molars and the middle teeth are not around yet. I just wonder if that might be one of the reasons why he still can't talk yet.
Let's see. Oh, yeah! Another thing that the doctor said that we should start with him is potty training. I would love to do so, but I'm afraid that he doesn't understand me and that I won't know when he wants to go to the restroom. I bought him a potty training stall, but we haven't used it yet. Maybe I should just start trying it with him even though he can't talk yet. I'll give you more update on this one as we go along with time. Nicholas is now sleeping on a toddler's bed instead of the crib. Over the weekend, I bought him a toddler's bed and we set it up Monday night. The first night he slept in it, he fell out twice. It has bumpers on the sides to help prevent fall, but I guess Nicholas was so use to moving around freely in his crib. The floor is only about one and a half feet from the bed so the falls were not all that big. He just whined a little and when Michael went to put him back into bed, he went right back to sleep. Last night, (his second night on his new bed) he didn't fall out at all. He's a really smart boy and I think he has adjusted to the new bed. When Michael first set it up, he was so excited about it because it was a new toy for him to play with. We were not too sure that he was going to like it and was going to sleep in it so we didn't take the crib apart until last night. I guess the little one adjusts to new things very quickly.
Right now, his new favorite movie is Tarzan, the Disney cartoon version. He watches it at least once a day and he's starting to repeat things from the movie. For example, in the middle of the movie, Jane says "no, no, no, no" and he would repeat it in the same type of tone. The other night when the movie was at the ending, Tarzan let out the gorilla cry and Nicholas did the same thing. It was so cute. I have been trying to teach him how to say things like TV, but he doesn't seem to want to listen. Every time, he just points that way instead. When he needs you to go somewhere, he will try to get you up by pushing you and then when you are up, he will push you until you have reach the destination. Then he just points at what he wants. Just wish he could only tell us what he wanted instead. Another thing that we are trying with him is brushing his teeth. We are thinking of having him visit a pediatric dentist sometimes in the near future. Nicholas' doctor said that they usually don't' go until they are three, but he could go if we really wanted him to. I think it would be good just to get his teeth clean thoroughly once. I heard that they also have these candy-like things that toddlers can eat to help them take care of their teeth. I want to know if this is true and if so, can Nicholas have some. I don't want him to end up with a set of rotten teeth at such a young age.
Well, this weekend is Father's Day weekend so I would like to wish that all the fathers out there have a great Father's Day and may your loved ones be with you on this special day! I think this is all I have to say for this update. I hope this one update will make up for the ones that I have missed. Sorry, got lazy and keep putting this off until tomorrow (and we all know that tomorrow never comes)!