Well, I think it has finally come. I am 75% sure that Nicholas is teething now. He had a fever this past weekend up to 102 degrees. He was not too happy on Sunday nor was Michael because he was sick. I felt his gums and they were very bumpy, but that has happened before and he didn’t have any teeth then. Another thing that he does out of the normal is that he uses his tongue to feel his upper gums a lot now especially when he’s in a grumpy and crying mood. He loves to put his fingers into his mouth too. To this day, he’s still very grumpy and whiny. It’s either he’s teething or he’s also sick like Michael was, but I don’t see many more symptoms of sickness besides a stuffy nose. For the past few days, I have not been able to get much sleep because Nicholas keeps waking up in the middle of the night crying. On Sunday night, he woke up practically every hour. He would some times stay awake for up to 30 minutes before going back to sleep. On Monday night, he was crying so hard at around 5 AM that he woke Michael up and Michael ended up having to sleep on the couch. There was no way Michael could have gotten any sleep if he was in the room because Nicholas was complaining for so long. There wasn’t much I could so. Michael needed the rest since he was sick but I couldn’t get Nicholas to calm down. He was crying because I guess his gums were hurting really bad. I don’t know what to do to help ease his pain. I tried the oral gel but it doesn’t really work on him. I’ve tried giving him teething toys that were iced for a while. I’ve tried rubbing his gums with a cold cloth. They all provide short relief but nothing that will work with him at night or when he’s crying really hard. I don’t actually rub his gums with the cold cloth because he won’t let me near his mouth. I have to put an ice cube inside the washcloth and then he will want to suck on the ice. While he’s sucking on the ice, I try to rub his gums a little. He seems to be a lot worse at my parents’ house. He is so “sticky” over there that my parents can’t get anything done Whenever he sees my mother, he will want my mother to hold him and if she ever leaves, he’ll start crying really loud. This also happens with my father. He has been very whiny lately. Even at home, he’ll always want to be held or be next to us. I guess it’s because he wants to know that someone will be there when he’s in pain. I wish there was something that I can do for him because it really hurts to see him in so much pain. Sometimes when his gums hurt, he holds on really tight and starts biting my shoulder or my shirt. The look on his face tells me that it hurts a lot and that he’s very miserable. He also gives me the look of “mommy, take this pain away.” The part that gets to me most is that there isn’t too much I can do to help him. I still don’t see any little teeth yet but I was told that sometimes it would take over a week before I can see any. I just hope that it’ll come out soon so that he doesn’t have to suffer so much pain.
Michael is doing a lot better now and me, besides a bit tired, I’m also doing fine. We both just wish that Nicholas would soon be better. If you have any idea or methods on easing his pains, please send me an email. I really want to try to ease some of his pain so that he can sleep better and also feel better. Nicholas himself has not gotten much sleep. My parents tell me that his pain will wake him up from his naps and he will not go back to sleep after that. He does the same at night so he doesn’t get much sleep either.
I’ll try to write again in a few days to have a follow up on Nicholas’ conditions. Until then, send those e-mails with the remedies. If you don’t know my e-mail address, just use the “Mui” hyperlink at the bottom of this screen where it says Michael & Mui or you can always call me at home.