I hope everyone had a fun and safe 4th of July.
Well, it's Sunday and still no new baby yet. He doesn't seem to want to come out yet. Michael's baby pool date is today and the baby doesn't seem like he's wanting to come out today yet so we're going to aim for mine, which is the 10th. It would be so ironic and surprising if the baby actually ends up coming late. I mean all that bed rest and caution just to make sure that he doesn't come out early and now, to think that he might be late. It's just amazing how different each pregnancy is. I saw the doctor this past Wednesday and he told me that the baby was about 6 lbs. (The doctor was guessing July 4th because Nicholas was a week early.) I'm guessing more around 7 lbs because of an ultrasound that we had in late May that told us that he was already 4 lbs 7 ounces. They say that the baby should grow about 1/2 lb per week. I think that this baby will be about the same size as Nicholas when he was born.
So, what did everyone do for the holiday? We didn't do much. We went over to my brother's house for a BBQ that day and that was about it. We came back home around 6 PM. We didn't buy any fireworks this year because last year, Nicholas freaked out at them. He was really scared of the noise that it made so we decided not to get any this year. He ended up looking at some from the window, but when we asked him to go outside, he didn't want to do so. I think next year, we'll get some and set it off while he's in the house looking through the window. This way he doesn't hear the sparkling noise. I think that the new baby will like that too. Michael took Friday off also so that he can have a four day weekend. We haven't really done much on this long break of his. Just a very quiet weekend, which I think he likes since so far, every weekend for the last two months have been so busy with events.
Nicholas is doing extremely well. He is saying a lot and picking up a lot of new words every day. He doesn't seem to have a problem pronouncing the letter "s." He seems to like to say, "don't want it" more than anything else even if he doesn't know what it is that he doesn't want. He's been having this temper tantrum as of late that we do not like and we are trying to undo it. Whenever he doesn't want anything, he'll start throwing things that he might have in his hand or start screaming really loud. I have read in magazines (when I have nothing to do waiting for my appointment) that this is a toddler's way of expressing their anger and frustration. We are trying to tell him that he needs to talk to us about it instead of throwing these little fits. It doesn't help when my parents just allow him to continue with it when he's over there. Nicholas still is not potty trained. He'll go when he takes a bath, but that's about it. He'll tell us when he wants a diaper change, but we haven't been able to get him to tell us when he wants to go before hand. Nicholas just had his three year checkup one week ago and the doctor said that it was the first step toward been potty trained. He thinks that Nicholas is progressing along fine so I'm not too worried about it. Just got to continue buying them expensive diapers.
Zachary will be the baby's name. We still have not decided on a middle name yet. I like the name Zachary Taylor Van Zandt, but as I found out, it is also the name of the 12th president of the United States so unless I want to name our son after the President, we're going to have to go with another middle name. Hey, you never know, maybe this little one will one day end up being the President of the United States.
Well, Sunday's not over yet so Michael's pool date may still come true. (It's only 9 AM in the morning. Nicholas woke up early today so I have been up with him.) I am going to say again that the next update I write will most likely be when the baby is out so until then, have a good day.