I have not noticed that it has been more than over a month since I last updated you all on Nicholas. Well, for the last two weeks, we didn't put up any pictures of the day. The reason was because about three weeks ago, Nicholas and I were taking a bath and he was playing around. The water was somewhat slippery and he's always been an active kid, even in the bathtub. Well, as he was standing up and trying to walk in the tub, he suddenly slipped and hit his eye onto the side of the bathtub. He ended up with a big black eye. Michael didn't want to take any pictures of him like that because he was afraid that you guys might think that we beat him up or something (I didn't really think that. - the editor). The funny thing was that three days later, he had a doctor's appointment and the doctor was asking what happened. I'm guessing that he recorded that down just to make sure that Nicholas doesn't go back there with another black eye. After a few days, it got a lot better. The swelling disappeared. The only thing left was this really dark black eye lid. It was on his right eye. It really looked like someone put a lot of dark black eye shadow on his eye lid. Then the next weekend, we went to Irene's house and he got his right face scratched up a bit. So Michael only took pictures of him on his left side because his right side of the face looked so beat up (these are her words, not mine! - the editor). Well, both the scratch and the black eye have healed by now. We are starting to take pictures of him again so this week, there will probably be more pictures of him on the web. Well, besides the black eye and the scratches, he's been doing quite fine. He's just a bit too spoiled. He throws these temper tantrums all the time now when he doesn't get something. He's a very active boy. I just can't believe how much energy he has in him. Last Thursday, I brought him in to work with me for about two hours. He had so much fun running up and down the entire office. Everyone at work liked him because he was so cute and so hyper.
Well, we are trying to apply for a home loan and also looking for a house. Hopefully, we will be able to move by the beginning of next year. Also, I have taken another job on my spare time doing private tutoring to CSUS students. Thus far, I am tutoring Advance COBOL but I hope to expand this out to all other MIS courses. It's just to help make some extra money for the house and also keep myself away from Mah Jong. So, Michael will be spending a lot more time with Nicholas alone and it has already shown because now, Nicholas goes to Michael more than he comes to me. Usually, it's the other way around. We are trying to discipline him a bit by telling him "no" to things that he should not be doing. Michael seems to be having more success with it than I am. I can give him my meanest look, but he still will smile at me. When Michael gives Nicholas a mean look, he will start putting his head down frowning. To be truthful, I think he looks very cute when he does that. I guess the reason why he's not afraid of me is because I usually give him what he wants and Michael doesn't. Especially when he throws the temper tantrums. I would usually go pick him up while Michael lets him know that he can't always do that. For me, I just can't stand him crying. And that little one is one stubborn baby. I mean, if we don't pick him up or give him what he wants, he can keep crying for more than half an hour. And he gets louder by the minute. Eventually, he'll understand that he can't get what he wants and will calm down by himself. I guess I just need to learn how to let him cry because it's bad for me to pick him up all the time and give him what he wants. I can't seem to be as firm with him as Michael can be.
Nicholas still only has three little teeth. He has being grinning his three teeth together and it's very annoying. I also asked the doctor about it and was told that it's not good because he could make it grow off to one side instead of centered. We don't know what to do to make him stop it. He doesn't suck on a pacifier so that won't work. Well, another thing that he has done a lot more now that he has some teeth is eat more solid food. I guess now, he can somewhat chew on the food. Before he could eat solid food but because he couldn't chew, he would spit the food back out once he has sucked out all the juice in it. Now, he just eats the entire thing.
Well, that's about all I can think of for now. Oh, yeah, one more thing, he can now climb out of his crib now. He has only done it once but it's starting to get a bit scary with him being able to do that. We are thinking about getting him a toddler's bed but he moves around a lot when he's asleep so we are afraid that he will fall off the bed every night.
Okay, now, I think I am done talking for today so see you guys next time.