It has been quite some time since I did the last update. We have been extremely busy and work for me is really piling up so I haven't had much time to write this update.
Let's see. Halloween. Well, Halloween was somewhat uneventful. We had our league bowling night on Halloween so we were at the bowling alley. The only change was that we took Nicholas with us. The team that we were bowling was not showing up so we were not going to bowl anyone. That meant that we were going to be able to leave early so taking Nicholas there didn't seem like a bad idea. Nicholas had a lot of fun watching the pins fly all over the place. Of course after a while, he got tired of sitting still and had to run around the alley. We took turns watching him while bowling. It was pretty cool. Everyone at the bowling alley like him and thought that he was cute.
Okay, that was what I wrote back in November. Well, it's the middle of December already and I still haven't gotten this update out the door yet. I guess I've been pretty lazy lately.
Okay, let's talk November. Nothing much. For Thanksgiving, we went down to Irene's house and had a turkey dinner. It was nice except for the long drive down there. Usually, it would take about 2 hours to get there but because there was an accident in Tracy, it took almost 3 hours to get there. We got to meet Richard's new girlfriend, Carla. She was very nice, but a bit shy, if you ask me.
The next day, we had a turkey dinner with my family. The not so fun part about this dinner was that we had to do the cooking. Michael volunteered to cook the turkey this year. My younger sister won a 22-pound turkey the week before during bowling so someone had to cook it. Oh boy, was that no fun at all. The bird was so big that by the time dinner came around, it still wasn't done. We literally cooked it for more than 8 hours. Thank goodness everything else was done so everyone ate all the side dishes and the appetizers. We did cut out the meat that was cooked and served that. Then we ended up cooking the rest of the turkey in pieces. Of course, we never finished the whole turkey. Well, one thing for sure is that I am not going to let Michael volunteer us for this again. It was just a lot of work. I mean we were cooking for more than 15 people. It took the whole day to prepare for it and then the whole weekend to clean up after it.
Well, a little about me. I am now a permanent employee at TASQ Technology. It just took place this week. My contact with the contracting company expired last Friday. Not much different. I'm still doing the exact same things as I was doing 6 months ago. The move was a bit of a pay cut, but that's what happens when you go from contracting to permanent. Oh yeah, the biggest news of them all. For those who have not heard through the grapevines, we are expecting another little one next July. We went to get an ultrasound yesterday because no one knew how far along I was. I'm about 10 weeks pregnant and the little one is expected July 11th. As for my complications during the first pregnancy, there is an extremely high chance that I will go through the exact same thing, but we won't know until later. Right now, they are still treating me as a normal pregnancy. How am I doing so far with this pregnancy? Tired! I have this sinus problem and am congested a lot. It wears me out a lot and because I'm not more than 12 weeks pregnant, they do not want me to take anything so I have to suffer through it. This has been going on for about three weeks now. Every day at work, I don't have the energy to do much. I always feel tired and want to go to bed. By the time I get home, I am so exhausted. Hopefully, this will only last for the first trimester and my health will be getting better as we start the second trimester. Oh yeah. Another news from my side of the family is that my older sister is also expecting another child. She's actually four months pregnant already so she will be delivering way before me.
Now, on to Nicholas. The biggest news I can talk about with him is that he can repeat all 26 alphabets. He did it last Saturday. Last Friday, he went up to m and then on Saturday, he went all the way to z. We were so happy and proud of him. He is starting to slowly repeat words. Of course, he favorite word so far is "no." If he doesn't want something or doesn't want to do something, it's always going to be "no." And can he say that word clearly. He is also slowly learning the animals. Well, not the actual words, but more of the sounds that they make. Like for a cat, he calls them "meow meow." He likes to look at his books and stare at the pictures. I asked my younger sister to get him some books that had lots of pictures with lots of different things in them since I'm not allowed to get him anything until Christmas is over. I think he will enjoy looking at those books. And we try to point out objects in the pictures to him and sometimes he will repeat after us. He has a speak therapy appointment this coming month. I think he will do well based on his progress right now.
Another thing about the little guy is that he still doesn't have a full set of teeth. I asked the doctor last month to see if that was okay because I was getting a little worried. I mean, he's 2 ½ years old and he still doesn't have a full set of teeth. The doctor said that they will eventually come and that I shouldn't be worrying too much about them. He has 8 on the top and 6 on the bottom. He has all his molars and his front ones. It's the ones in the middle that are missing. Oh well, I guess they will come when they feel like it.
Well, this Christmas, we are going up to see Lauren and Midge since both of us has Christmas Eve off. We will be going up there that weekend and returning Christmas day. Richard will most likely be coming with us also. We have no plans for New Years and I don't think that we can really do a whole lot that day.
Well, I think this is all I can write for now. I'm getting tired and it's almost time to go home. Just want to wish all of you a wonderful and safe holiday!