Happy Father's Day to all the fathers out there. We wish that you guys have a wonderful and great day because each and every one of you deserve to be appreciated.
Okay, me. I am off bed rest now because I am now past 36 weeks pregnant. The reason why I don't have to remain in bed anymore is because the baby is now fully developed and is considered full term. He can come out anytime now if he wants to and the doctors would have no objections to it. My doctor thinks that this one will be like Nicholas, give us a scare and then come out close to my due date. I'm really glad that bed rest is over because now I can go all over the place. Don't have to be stuck to either the bed or the sofa all the time. I want to go shopping for the new baby. There are a lot of things that we still need and because of bed rest, I haven't had a chance to do any shopping for him yet. I also haven't had a chance to get all the necessary stuff ready for delivery yet. You know how they tell you to go to the hospital with certain stuff like clothing and blankets. I haven't packed any of that yet. I don't intend to go to the hospital any time soon, but you just never know.
We still haven't thought of a name for the little one yet. We were going to go with Timothy, but I changed my mind. Michael is starting to consider Zachary. Hopefully we will have a name for him by the time he comes out.
Okay, onto the little one that just turned 3. He's growing. He has been picking up a lot of new phrases lately. The newest one that we can make out is "I don't know." We have no idea where he picked it up from. Sometimes, he'll say something, but we can't understand him. After a while, we'll catch on. I just love the way he says "thank you" and "please." When he says "please," he'll give you a big gigantic smile along with it. It just looks so cute and melts your heart every single time. He is also becoming more independent. He can now play by himself for hours at a time. Whenever he needs something, he'll call or come grab one of us and then go back to playing. He doesn't seem to need as much attention as he used to. He also had learned that in order to get his favorite ice cream (which is really otter pops), he needs to eat his food first. He has learned that it is a reward for being good or a way to comfort him when he hurts himself. It's also one of our best strategies at waking him up from a nap. We can't allow him to sleep too much or else the little one will not go to bed until at least midnight. Sometimes, he doesn't even need a nap and he still doesn't go to sleep until midnight. I think he picked up this bad habit up from mom. Oh yeah, lately, he loves to take baths. We bought some bubble bath liquid for him and ever since then, he has to have at least two baths a day. Sometimes they are only an hour apart. He just likes to go into the water and play with the bubbles. And the amazing thing is sometimes, he can stay in there for more an half an hour. Most kids that I know hate taking baths. Another thing he likes to do is get bandages. If he hurt himself somewhere or if something hurts, he will go get a bandage and put the bandage on the painful area. The funny thing is that he will then ask for it to be removed in less then five minutes. He seems to be all better after that. Before, he would give us the bandage. We would remove it from its wrapping and put the bandage on the wounded area. Lately, he's been doing the removing and has been attempting to put the bandage on himself. He sometimes will even get mad at me if I try to help him out with it a bit. Like I've said, he's getting more and more independent by the day. I don't think that he understands yet that he is going to be a big brother. He kinda understands that there is a baby inside me, but I'm not too sure. I mean, he will point to his own tummy and say that there's a baby inside him. I am hoping that he doesn't get too jealous when we bring home the new one and he sees mom giving the new little one so much attention.
Okay, onto the last, but never by far the least, member of our family, Michael. I think he's still pretty tired from this whole pregnancy thing. I am hoping that with me off bed rest, he will not have so much things to worry about. Also with my younger sister helping out with some of the housework, it should lighten his load a bit.
Well, I think I will end this entry here because both Nicholas and I are getting hungry and we have both decided that there's nothing home that we want to eat.